what does this mean?

it says my test result is out of range. i am supposed to be 6w+6 (7weeks tomorrow) i do have another blood test today but can anyone tell me what this means and what it means if its out of range? i’m so scared
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Hi, ultrasound tech here. There is no out of range for blood results with HCG. Out of range means they cannot calculate it at all. You can have a normal HCG, a high HCG or a low HCG for your dates. Is this your baseline (your first blood test?) why are they monitoring your HCG? Are you bleeding? Miscarriage? IVF? Risk of ectopic? You need an ultrasound for some of those. With this range you should be able to see a gestation sac and fetal pole with heart rate. Hope it all works out! Also note that every woman’s HCG varies with each pregnancy. There isn’t enough information here for you to worry just yet.

@Jennifer Hi thank you so much! I had some tummy pain, a sharp pain on my lower abdomen. It’s the only symptom, but they did a blood test, booked me in for another one today to monitor levels and progression. They also mentioned an internal scan to rule out ectopic. i had the same when i was pregnant with my first but it was fine i just had pain, so i wasn’t too panicked but seeing it say “out of range” made me panic entirely. I haven’t had any bleeding or anything, so that gives me some comfort at the moment but I guess I’ll see what’s going on more later today, I just wondered whether maybe the levels were too high or not inline with how far along i should be etc? do the levels you see here look okay? X

You might be further along than you think or could be twins. There are other diseases with pregnancy but they are super rare and I feel like your numbers would be in the 100,000s. I don’t think they are abnormally high. Anything 5> is out of range because “normal” is <5 but then you wouldn’t be pregnant lol. Depending on the reporting facility they might just say it’s out of range when it’s normal for you and your gestational age. They don’t know you are almost 7 weeks. They just run the blood. Your doctor gets the results and analyzes it against your dates if they are known. An early ultrasound is your best bet imho. You’ll have mental reassurance ;)

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