Is alcohol okay for parents?

Is it okay for me (NOT breastfeeding) to drink some beer? I’ve been wanting to have fun and loosen up a little myself but I feel guilty wanting to drink alcohol if I don’t have someone to watch her. I know I can limit myself and pay attention but I still feel bad. Is it okay?
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Yes, it is totally okay. I had some drinks (if it's beer wine or spirits) I keep a moderation of how much I can have and if it'll mess up my sleep schedule or when baby needs milk

Totally okay

Absolutely! Girl you grew a human gave birth and raising it you deserve a drink or two

@Amelia I definitely can’t even see myself going for hard alcohol anymore 😅

Thank you guys! It’s been stressing me out. My man drinks some beer sometimes and I’ve been wanting to but felt like I was being neglectful by just drinking it.

I had my baby almost a month ago and I want a drink so bad but not having it for 9 months the smell of it makes me not want any😭😂

@Celecia omg I get that 😅 thankfully my pregnancy made me quit cigarettes and I still can’t handle the smell lol

Of course

Fine if you don’t cosleep x

I have 2 beers on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I just make sure my son is asleep first.

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