Any advice?

Last month, I was perceiving positive pregnancy test few days before my period the day that I was supposed to start my period I had brownish discharge like spotting so I just assumed that I was pregnant but then throughout the day or the next day I started to have red spotting so I just figured I had a chemical and I started my period. It’s now the next month and I am seven days late on my period, getting positive pregnancy test, but only on storebrand test, I only gotten one positive on digital first response but as in line 1st first response, it’s been negative. but I’ve gotten faint positive all store brand test I’ve gotten positive it’s a little faint but positive. I’m having pregnancy symptoms. I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe you can give me some answers.
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I would definitely call the Obgyn and tell them what’s going on and they can do blood work to see what’s going on and if you are actually pregnant

I’m calling tomorrow just wanted to see if anyone experienced something like this but this isn’t my first pregnancy this will be my second my first pregnancy I bled pretty heart my first trimester and had my baby at 29 weeks pregnant



Hopefully they can figure it out. With my son I bleed during my first trimester as well and went into labor at 29 weeks with them being able to stop it and then having a c-section at 39 weeks so hopefully you get good news and have a better time this time around.

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