Sexy time
Hello moms
Busy mom of a 2yo and almost a 1yo.
Im exhausted most of the time, they both sleep really well, but my 2yo is savage.
By the end of the night, I’m knocked out.
I do a lot in the house on top of that, keeping it clean as much as I can.
My husband works full time, job that requires a lot of mental energy. After work he’s tired obviously but still cooks almost every day.
We had spoken about being intimate, and he’s a guy that has this STRONG NEED to have relations. He literally can’t keep his hands off me. And honestly I feel overly stimulated and overly tired to on top of that to be thinking of having relations…
We had spoken and he said he needs on average 3 times a week.
With 2 young kids it’s kind of impossible…. Even after giving birth my libido isn’t even back yet…
It’s been a bit over a month we haven’t done it, and he hasn’t been asking me much about it. And tonight I kinda confronted him about it, and asked him if he’s watching porn and he got mad at me.
I just don’t know what to do,
I can’t do 3x a week, but he has a strong need. Sigh.
How often do you do it?
Is it really realistic 3x a week???
Hey I think 3X a week isnt too much and it’s kind of normal. Well if you guys haven’t done it for over a month!!! Then poor guy….maybe you can try to do at least once or twice?? How did you both let a whole month go by? He sounds like a good guy, taking care of the family financially AND cooking after work!! I’m a working woman and after work I usually cook so I knowww how tiring that is! It’s a lot of work. He is working just as hard as you do all day but I also know that staying at home with the kids is more mentally draining and tiresome. Sometimes try your best to compromise for him and for your relationship sake to give him time. In my opinion if he has to resort to porn or whatever that’s not at all good for your relationship. It might open the door to cheating or something later on in the future. Try to make yourself available for him. This tough time will pass but both of you need to invest in the relationship to keep it going.