Positive or negative

The line is very distinctive
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Positive forsure! Congratulations 🥳 💗

@Siani even tho it's a digital test? People say they always have 2 lines but this is very dark and I've taken multiple digital tests and they've NEVER been this dark 🤔

I’d count that as positive, defo try another if you’re unsure yourself though. Congrats!

I took a digital test and it said not pregnant and I took the strip out and it looked just like that! I was not pregnant. All digital test have two lines when you take them apart and the test becomes invalid after taking it apart. I would wait and retest in a couple days with a pink dye test

i going to say try again to be sure cause that second blue strip did not light up

It doesn’t get darker the longer you leave it btw even if it is positive.

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