
Did FET last Tuesday (September 3rd) of a Day 5 (Euploid) and have been testing. The first few days, got no results, but on Sunday (September 8th) got my first line of positive, but it was very faint. Clinic don’t recommend we check at home, but I wonder how many can actually resist the temptation. After the Sunday test, each day I tested, I saw results appear darker and darker. Today is the darkest I’ve seen. Is it a good sign? I have my actual blood test schedule for tomorrow at the Clinic. Will they let me know right away?what should I expect at the blood work? Wish me luck. I’m nervous because I’ve miscarried before.
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They called me 2 hours after my blood test to give me results and my baby girl is 1. That’s a def positive gurl . As long as your hcg doubles every 48 hours you are good . They will have you come back 2 days later and make sure it’s doubling 😁😁

Thank you so much 😊! I hope my HCG continues to double and that everything goes smoothly. At what stage can I actively stop worrying? I’m a worry brat and I hate it. And congrats on your baby girl also. Are you expecting another one soon?

Haha I worried the whole pregnancy esp since I was 40 and we did IVF . We have a boy embryo in freezer so we will be doing another transfer in prob a year .

Omg same. I’m 39 and also did IVF. This is my very first transfer. I opted not to know the gender of this transfer. After my egg retrieval, I had 5 euploid embryos frozen. So now I have 4 left. Of the 5, 3 were boys and 3 were girls. So right now, I have no idea which gender they transferred. I opted out because I didn’t want to feel attached, I just asked that they transfer the best embryo at first try. Like you, I definitely want more kids. How is being a new mom? How soon do you plan on transferring the second embryo? Did you have success on your first try?

*2 were girls.

Yes we were very lucky that the first try worked . I’m 42 now .. we did 4 rounds of IUI first and those failed so we were so happy IVF worked . We are waiting till we get a house to do next transfer .

Oh wow! You’re right, first try successes are rear which is why in addition to age and everything else I’m super nervous! But best to think positively! Good luck on house hunting, it’s another involved process. Wishing you all the best on this endeavor also and hopefully baby soon after 😊

Keep me posted girl on your blood test tomorrow . 🥰praying for you

I will. Thank you for the prayers 🙏🏾

What time is your blood test ?!

They’ve scheduled it for 9am tomorrow

A mix of hope and anxiety describes the sentiments so accurately! It’s 4:00am and just woken up for my 9:00am appt, 5 hours early! Like 🤦🏾‍♀️I know I have to take things easy and I’ll try my best but man, I wish I could occupy my mind with other thoughts. Like any recommendations on what to do to keep positive and not so pregnancy focused? Or is it ok that I am this focused?

Quickest clinic visit ever! Took 2 mins. Drew blood and said they’ll call be before noon.

Any news yet chell on blood test?!

Got the call. It’s a positive!!!!!!! HCG at 571 and Progesterone >40ng/ml. Nurse said my numbers are really high and that it’s what they want to see. 🤞fingers crossed everything continues to go well.

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Wow that’s so high !! Yay I’m so happy for you . Are you going back for more blood test in 2 days ?!

I’m scheduled to come in on Saturday for another check up. Everything you guys all said was true. Thank you so much for the assurance and the well wishes 💕💕💕

Yay !!! So excited for you . Keep me posted on your next appt 🥰❤️

Will do Brooke.😊 Any new leads on house hunting yet?

Our lease isn’t up till July so we won’t be looking till December or January .

Oh ok. You have a lot of time ahead . 😊

Oh yes that plus sign is very dark . Your hcg is going to be crazy high tomorrow

It seems like it 😊. I’m feeling hopeful but obviously still trying to take it one step at a time.

What time is your appt today

It’s 9am. Clinic closes at noon today, so should probably hear from then quite shortly thereafter.


Oh yay that’s great 🥰🥰

How did your appt go today chell?

Omg thanks for asking Brooke. My HCG level rose from 572.0 MUI/ml to 1321.11 MUI/ml. So that’s about a little bit over a double in numbers. Nurse said it looked good. My progesterone numbers had risen also. My estrogen level are normal range but when I researched found out that they are on lower end of expected normal. They have coming back on Monday for another test and also for intralipid fluid. Still too early to tell anything really. They’ve scheduled my first ultrasound for the 23rd of this month. I think that’s when I’ll know if the baby is even in the right place.

Yay that’s wonderful so happy for you

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Thank you gorgeous! It’s nerving but trying to remain hopeful. What tips do you have for me? I need to occupy myself with someone else so that I’m not thinking about this 24/7

Girl it’s so hard not to think about it but I read books a lot . That relaxed me and took my mind off of everything .

That’s good advice actually. I have a very short attention span so I find reading rather difficult. Do you have any recommendations of books you got into?

I’m a hopeless romantic so I have read all of Nicholas sparks books and Colleen Hoover .

Hmm not much of a hopeless romantic but open to picking one up and giving it a go

How was your appt yesterday chell?

It was good, thanks for asking. I did the intralipid IV, but no blood work. They have me scheduled for ultrasound on September 23rd. I would be 5 weeks 4 days then. Do you know what I can expect to see at this ultra sound? I’ve been so nervous lately. A couple of nights ago I stayed up late reading TTC blogs and suddenly concluded that my HCG levels were so high because of something I read and thought I had a molar pregnancy and started to worry. 🤦🏾‍♀️

My first vaginal ultrasound was at 7 weeks then again at 9 weeks cause I did IVF and I was older.

What did you see at your first ultra sound?

It was very small embryo but got to see her heartbeat then at 9 weeks got to hear her heartbeat it was the best sound in the world .

Oh wow! That’s so precious!

I’m not sure why my clinic wants to do this so early but I remember the nurse saying “we like to do our first ultra sound at 5 week 2 days” and then she said, my 5 weeks 2 days falls on a Saturday and because they’re closed, I have to come on Monday making it 5 weeks 4 days.

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