Unplanned Home Birth

I was due on 8th sept, but no signs of baby. Then yesterday morning 2am (10th Sept) had some clear signs. But it was too late I needed to push immediately! We couldn't get to the hospital. So baby Anya was delivered with 5 paramedics in our lounge! At 448am. It was a dream come true, as I love the idea of a home birth, but always worried about complications. I would recommend it, I'm sure being at home really helped me get baby out quickly. (This is our second child)
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congratulations! with your first, did you have a quick labour?

Omg that is such an amazing picture! Well done mama ❤️

Awww congrats! Such a beautiful way to give birth. Rushed but hope you are happy and feel well ❤️❤️☺️

@Stacie no my first labour was very long. So I was expecting it to be maybe a little quicker, but not this quick!! So I started having contractions on the 2nd Jan around 6am we didn't go to hospital until 1030pm, but she wasn't born until 3rd Jan 7pm (very hard work) Most of the labour happened in a water pool.

@Hannah the photo is so heart warming isn't it 💚 they were all so happy!

@Gabi it was better than I could have imagined. It felt like my body and baby were in complete sync. Plus it made it much less painful... I don't know what happened to all the early contractions etc baby and I are back home after a check up. But ok apart from usual aches and sores!

All the paramedics smiling is so beautiful! Congrats and wonderful job mama

Their faces says everything 😍 I get so happy just watching this picture, Congratulations mama! 🥹🥹🥹 god bless u and your family

@Anii you definitely made their whole week! Absolutely priceless picture 😊❤️

Congratulations 🫶🏾🫶🏾

Nawww totally the best call out! They're so happy. Well done mumma! what an experience... Congratulations and enjoy your new bundle of joy!

omg congrats 🥹

This happened to me with my 2nd too. However it happened so fast that my husband delivered our baby while on the phone with 911 dispatch but paramedics arrived 2 mins after my daughter was delivered 😳

omg that’s so beautiful congratulations 😭💖

@Anii ah okay, thank you! so the complete opposite!! my first arrived 3 hours after being at the hospital. we went because i woke up to wee and was bleeding. when they checked i was 4cm dilated but wasn't having any pains except bad back for 2 days straight. by the time the contractions started to come, it all happened so quickly. not really sure what to look for this time because if i hadn't been bleeding, i would have just gone back to bed. two separate midwives have told me and partner to be prepared to end up delivering at home with a call to an ambulance and not risk the journey. so happy for you and to have such a positive experience!

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This is amazing 🩷 well done mamma! And the smiling faces in the photo 🥹 I am hoping for a home birth, so it’s lovely to hear how in in sync with your baby you felt. Our bodies are incredible! Hope you and baby are doing well c

@Rachelle wow that's incredible. I think it would have been close call for us too. But the ambulance arrived so quickly! Luckily

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