That's my birthday!
@Chelsea Hahaha well I hope he comes on time or even late bc I really want him to stay a March baby 😂
@Abby I understand I'm due the 29th and normally have baby early so I'm hopeful for March baby!
I’m due the 6th!!
@Chelsea my first was born Jan 23rd and my wedding anniversary is Feb 18th, so I’d just love this baby to get his own month 😂 (although I’m march 22nd, but I love the idea of having him the same month as my bday esp since it’s farther away!) 🥰
@Raye-Lyn so fun! And we both have young sons, I wonder who will give birth first 🤪
Same here
I'm due the 4th, turned 15 weeks yesterday ☺️
@Abby I just hope I have her in March because my step son’s birthday is February 22nd! My son will be 1 next month! 😔🥺😭
@Quala same! ♥️
I’m due March 14th! Any twin with me🫶❤️?
I’m due March 16th 🤍
Due date twins! I feel like my life is so busy but I'm already ready for baby to be here 😂
@Sadhbh Deirdre nice!! I see that you live in Elgin, SC. I just moved from there! Small world ❤️
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@Waiverly I feel that! I’m so excited 🥰
Im due on March 17 St. Patrick’s Day
Same here! Just turned 15 weeks today with my first