
anyone know what to wear when booked in for induction?? like normal clothes?
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Yeah normal clothes and when you get the bed and get settled change into your gown or pjs or whatever you are comfortable in! ☺️

I just went in my normal comfy clothes the last 2 times I was induced. I was out walking around after they started the induction to help things move along.

Yeah just go in your normal clothes. If you are staying in I would wear comfy clothing then you can change into the gown or whatever you wish to birth in when the time comes. X

ok thanks guys its in the morning so guess il just wear comfortable clothes and judge more when i get there. anyone know what happens when ya arrive like the process of it all? do ya get brought to a ward straight away?

@emma in my experience they took me to a bed and then they let me settle in while they were doing obs and things in other people and then they come and do your obs pop you on the machines for half hour then start the induction after being monitored for half hour or so after you can go and do as you please until they need you again it was every 6hrs for me. X

@Claire did u get pain relief when things got tense? not sure what the best pain relief to go for is. i dont really want to be bed bound, apparently u can get a mobile epidural now

@emma I had paracetamol then the next one that was stronger. My induction failed though and I never progressed and the pain eased up. The other ladies on the ward that were progressing were offered more though, I think they done epidural once down on delivery suite but may be different in your hospital. X

Keep active while you can it will help massively, also they will have balls you can bounce on if you want too. I’d also reccomend having a bath there. And you can have them whatever time of day. I had one one evening the midwives ran it for me and they give you towels etc.

@Claire thanks for the advice hun

anyone know what the difference is between epidural and mobile epidural

i know the mobile epidural your not bed bound but just wondering is it the same pain relief? etc

@emma you generally can't get the epidural till you are in the delivery suite which is when you're 3/4 cm or waters have been broken.

ah okay thanks for letting me know. anybody reccommend any pain relief they found good at early stages when your in first few cm

Paracetamol and they can give you gas and air also if dependent. TENs machine is also good. Bouncing on the ball, baths, walking

don’t wear a dress😂 so inconvenient

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