My little one is almost 8 months old. We aren’t a big fan of BLW but we try our best haha. He has porridge or toast with some fruit in the mornings. Lunch he he’ll usually have a cheese sandwich omelet or some noodles and normally yogurt or biscuit, Then for dinner he’ll have what we eat so could be meat balls, spaghetti bowl, lasagna, pasta and sauces. Mac and cheese and loads more things he’s had. He also really enjoys a roast at nannas house, I do normally blend something on the side so I know he’s eating enough cause he really enjoys feeding his food to the dogs 😂
Which pasta do you use @Kally also do you all use stock of any kind or herbs
All different pastas tbh. And yeah I use garlic, onion powders, oregano and stock cubes. But I don’t put any salt his sauces. Or you can use baby food as the sauces. He loves homemade tomato soup it’s his favourite and mine tbh 😂
Would you mind sharing your recipe for the soup
Anything and everything, usually what everyone else is having. Yesterday was peanut butter toast and banana, lunch we made soup and dinner was a veggie biryani. This morning he’s had blueberry and almond porridge, he’s going to have the leftover homemade soup from yesterday, dinner is veggie lasagne so he’ll probably have some of that. He’s on family meals now basically. When I have the time and energy I batch cook some stuff just for him (well, toddler too) like pinwheels, pancakes, savoury muffins etc. which I can just pull out the freezer if we’re having something he really can’t have.
i am doing baby led weaning so what is eat they eat
My boy loves cerelac , oat and apple porridge, rice pudding with banana. And he loves some of what we eat also
@Chloe if you make muffins and freeze them, do you need to heat them up before baby can eat it or just defrost and good to go?x
@Charley I usually just defrost and give them to him cold, sometimes I’ll warm them up though- they only take a few minutes in the oven and I prefer the way they come out rather than if I microwave them!
Honestly mine eats pretty much the same as his 2 year old brother. Obviously minus the small chocolate and treats now and then. But full blw doesn’t like purée or pouches
My baby is 7MO & we do all sorts from scrambled egg, pasta with homemade sauces, fish/meats, finger food boiled veg/fruit. My baby really enjoys Shepard’s pie, homemade soup, scrambled egg with cheese and spinach, even the inside of a jacket potato with tuna!