
My little girl is 7 months old. She will literally not take any food apart from Ella's kitchen melty sticks. I've tried purees and mashed veg and she literally hates my hand and the spoon going by her mouth and pushes me away all the time, uve tried giving her the spoon and bowl and she just waves it arounf and ends up on the floor. I know food is fun until 1 but when you hear about babies the same age having 2 meals day it just upsets me.is anyone having the same problem or any advice would be grateful. X
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We started weaning my little one just before 6 months and tried baby led weaning and found the same to begin with, she would just spit everything straight out or move her head away from us, she’s now just over 7 months and only very recently have we noticed a difference and she’s started to swallow some purées, we found it really frustrating too especially like you said when you see other babies eating loads and having meals😅 I’d say just keep trying, try things like cucumber/pepper sticks ect too my little one loved these too but just keep going and you’ll start to see them slowly have some. I did read you notice them actually eat more around 9/10 months and like you said it’s more play until 12 months x

She might just be the “independent” sort and want to do it herself. Let her play with the spoon with nothing on it. Download solid starts app and have a look into Baby Led Weaning. My girl likes to feed herself so we give her sticks of cucumber, strips of toast, chunks of banana etc. let them play around and get messy, and don’t worry about how much they are eating. My first didn’t start eating better until 10 months but he eats really well now.

@Ashleigh thank you, I'll get some cucumber this weekend as they do those small ones for kiddies and I'll try some pepper later as I need to chop one for tea x

Try ditching the purees and doing baby lead weaning. She might be into it.

@Rosie thanks. I've already got solid starts.i do think she likes bigger foods as the melty puffs are large and she eats them no problem but anything small like purees, mushed veg she not bothered

My little boy was exactly like this (he’s three now) wouldn’t take anything off a spoon and would just play with his food. In his hair, ears everywhere but his mouth. I continued to offer meals and I would say he only really started to eat full meals at around 18 months. He now eats anything that we’re eating and always finishes his meals so don’t panic just keep offering it. My 6month old however will eat all sorts and is consuming so much more than my 3y ever did. I too used to panic seeing other babies eating when he just seemed to play. I’ve had the same approach to weaning both times, they really are all different but get there in the end.

Have you tried yoghurt ? Mine only really started with puréed things when she had some then she realised what the spoon did. I let her hold it as she likes to chew on in and now she has a puff that I dip in purée too for the taste

@Nichola I have tried it. But I'll keep going

Sounds like you've got an independent, strong minded little girl who is more into baby led weaning! Definitely persevere with large sticks of softened boiled carrot, cucumber , tomatoes. My little girl loves holding celery so I dip it in hummus. Also liked sticks of sweet potato boiled/softened. Loads might not go in at first but the action of trying the flavours and textures repeatedly will improve over time and it sounds like she doesn't want you interfering with that 😂 Don't worry about not enough going in. At this stage milk is still their main form of nutrition xxx

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