Hospital birth tips ⬇️

As promised, please see my top tips for a hospital birth. Try and remain in the zone when you arrive at the hospital. This may sound like a difficult task which is why your birth partner is key here. Get your birth partner to do the talking for you and Make sure they have a copy of your birth preferences so they can show them to the health care professional straight away 👍 (always have a few copies to ensure each person you see gets a copy!) To help you stay in the zone whilst this is going on, make sure you have your headphones in and an eye mask on if possible. This will help you block out any sounds and lights. When you get to your room your birth partner can set it up nice and cosy to help boost that oxytocin. Do you have any tips for a hospital birth? If so, share in the comments below.
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yes this is true. i really hated taking talking the midwifes and nurses when i was in labor and my boyfriend was just there and i had to keep signaling him to respond for me. people don’t think you’re in pain unless you’re screaming bloody murder.

This is a great tip! I feel this is ideal, even though it was the plan for my husband to do all the talking he just isn't a jump in kind of person so I ended up talking a bit to people but we didn't have to do much of that kind of admin talk because I cane in both times just about ready to push, 8.5 and 9cm dilated with each baby respectively. So my best "hospital" tip is to labor as long as you can at home! I remembered this from my labor and delivery class, like your body will feel most at ease in your comfort space and the sooner you go into the hospital the longer labors tend to be. So I did that with both and it worked well. But I really second the eye mask! I wish I had done it with my first labor, only done it with my second but man it was amazing in just tuning all the things out!

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