
Hi everyone!! I am thinking of booking an appointment for my little one to be circumcised. BUT I am absolutely terrified even though there’s a lot of benefits to being circumcised. If anyone has had their baby boy circumcised how did it go?? Some advice and reassurance would be nice.
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It was a very quick procedure and healing was absolutely fine. I was super scared but baby didn’t even cry. Had it done at just under a week old x

He was fine but was more me who was in tears! Healing went well the ring was off in 6 days. Plenty of Vaseline in the nappy and 2 soaks a day to speed up the process❤️ you got this!!x

Done at 2 weeks, very quick procedure, healed within a week, easy after care and my baby never seemed uncomfortable during or after the procedure. 1.5 years later with no issues

My baby was fine and is still doing well it’s definitely scary and even the healing process with applying the vaccine or healing jelly of your choice I felt like I was hurting him in my case my baby was 2 days old when he got his and I took him home hours later but he didn’t even flinch I was the one flinching 😂

What are your reasons for wanting it done? I had a partner who had it done as a baby and he wishes his mum didn't do it. If he wants it done when he's older then he can make that choice but it's quite a big thing to take away from a child with no voice :( if you choose to get it done I'm sure it will go perfectly fine

We did it at 2 days old… you need to put a lot of Vaseline each you change the diaper …they will give a lot … and can’t have a shower for a week … and the procedure last like 20 minutes …my husband was there with my baby

@Shez it reduces the risk of infection, it’ll be easier to clean and when he gets older it’ll be more expensive to have it done and the risk are higher and the healing process is painful as an adult.

Did it at 1 week old. Still in the healing process. Sunday will be one week since he was circumcised.

As a wife to a husband who is circumstances I'd advise not to do this. He had a massive complex during school as he looked different down there. He was bullied in secondary school for it. He has issues with sensitivity (As in it's not very sensitive) and so we sometimes have issues in the bedroom. He felt very uncomfortable getting intimate with people because of it.

@Lammy just teach him good hygiene and to be safe to prevent infection. It also reduces their sensitivity and causes scaring. I personally wouldn't do it but like I say these a performed on the regular so I wouldn't worry if you choose to do it for him.

I had my little one circumcised about a month or so after he was born. Later than most people, but he was brilliant. Slept through the entire procedure. And the healing process was really straight forward. If you do go ahead with it the clinics are usually very supportive and give lots of advice and help with aftercare too

It was very quick. I didn’t witness happen as I didn’t want to look but my husband did. They came to our house so we just continued taking care of him. First few hours was rough but after that it was a better journey till it fully healed. Was terrified of changing nappies initially but my husband was confident doing it and he seemed pretty fine

In the uk this is considered pretty cruel practice. Why mutilate a child unnecessarily?

@Cameron this is different femal genital mutilation

@Precious no I know,FGM is illegal. Male circumcision isn’t illegal but considered by most to be cruel and unnecessary.

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