You possibly never miscarried. However I’ve had 4 and it took around 4-6 weeks for the positive test to go away! My advice is to go into your local hospital EPU and ask for a HCG draw to see if your numbers are doubling Xx
@Emma I’ve taken a digital test and it’s saying 3+ weeks pregnant so now I’m super confused because the dates don’t line up unless I never miscarried in the first place, I rang the GP and the midwife is going to ring me and I assume arrange a scan as we need to know how far along I am before we can decide anything. I just don’t understand how I had a negative but now 4 positives when I genuinely haven’t had sex since what I thought was a miscarriage until the beginning of this week which is far too soon to register as being pregnant again
Has it gone up from 2 to 3? If so then your HCG is doubling so you’re pregnant!!!! I’d just ring the EPU they can get you in on the day and check for you! On my last miscarriage I only bled for 4 days we had sex on the 5th and 10 days later I was pregnant with my current!!
I had some bleeding with my daughter and everything was fine , to me I’d say it seems like it’s continued pregnancy that you possibly didn’t miscarry xxx