I completely understand you. My son is only 2 and while he doesn’t go without, at his birthdays and Christmas we don’t buy a lot of toys at all because there is simply no need. Last year we all went to his aunts and her kids had like a million presents and he was so overwhelmed with all the stuff and cried the full time. I think you’re right to not want to give him all the things and don’t sound ungrateful at all. They learn far better concentration and imagination skills with only a few things out. My boy can literally sit for ages with his magnetic letters or a colouring book. Like above you can rotate toys (that’s what we do), or you can contact local charities who will be looking for donations for kids Christmas like women’s aid. We did that at my sons first Christmas instead of buying him lots of things that he didn’t need and we got a lovely thank you note that I’ve kept in his memory box for when he’s a bit older xx
I have a rule for my daughter’s grandparents on both sides - any toys they buy her, stays at their house. Only clothes and shoes can come home with us. Clog your house up not mine! 🤣
Could always try implying a new tradition and explain due to the large amount of toys he already has you're using the 4 gift rule. Meaning 4 gifts max that follow the rule. Something to play with. Something to read. Something he can wear and something he needs. We used it with my daughter when she was small and too many gifts overwhelmed her and took her days to open. X
@Melissa this is an excellent idea. I also like the experience days idea @Nikita much more valuable!!
If you feel up to it get some big storage tubs and separate the toys. Put them in the loft/garage/wherever you have space and then give him 1 tub of toys to play with at a time, that way you can rotate them throughout the year so you and he aren’t overwhelmed and he gets that added bonus of feeling excited to play with his “new” toys. I’d then start curating a gift list of experience days for him such as a trip to the zoo or aquarium, perhaps some swimming lessons etc if people really want to go down the toy route you could ask for a subscription to whirli for a few months which is a toy subscription service that will let you send back the toys and swap them out as you want xxx