
Last week I just figured out that I have preeclampsia. My anxiety has been terrible. I also got told that I’ll be induced at 37 weeks. Does anyone else have preeclampsia?
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Hey lovely I had preeclampsia at 29 weeks I was feeling terrible and decided to go to the hospital immediately. The told me then I had to get a c-section b/c of my blood pressure. My daughter is 3 now. Although it was very scary b/c I neved heard of it until then overall by the grace of God we’re good❤️ and Im hopeful you will be too 🥰


I had it with my first at 37 weeks and 2 days. I woke up in the middle of the night and just knew something was off. I was shaking and sweating among other gut feelings. I went to triage where they ran some tests- blood test and blood pressure came back fine but I had large amounts of protein in my urine. Had to stay and was induced the following morning. Honestly the induction went smoothly even though it was a long day. Then pushed for an hour that evening and had a healthy baby boy who is 20 months old now .

Question, what symptoms were you guys feeling to even go get checked out for preeclampsia?

@Genevieve usually headaches, blurred vision, swelling in hands and feet and high bp (which they should be checking when u see midwife)

I had pre eclampsia with my 1st that went ignored for about 3 weeks until i finally got a second opinion for my symptoms at 37 weeks who then told me the baby had to come out right away. 2 failed inductions meant an emergency cs which tbh was really really stressful. Im now 35 weeks with my second and so far not experiencing anything like i did with my first. I was told tho as soon as they notice something going left (god forbid) they will put me on bp medicine and try to get everything under control. I was told that due to them missing it for so long, they let it get out of hand hence why i needed baby out asap. If i were u id find out as much as possible about the extent of the preeclampsia and see if theres any way of treating it until u labour naturally xx

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