Emergency c section

I have a fear of stiches and operations. During my whole pregnancy I believed in my heart that I won’t have a C-section. I prayed and prayed. Baby was in head down position, I went overdue had contractions and went into labor for days. I was completely against c section, I was scared of it and didn’t do any research around it as I was too scared. I thought baby is head down during labour, I’m ready to push and give it my all. 4 days overdue, baby did a poo in my tummy, they broke my water. Baby’s heart beat changed and they broke the news to me at 7am that they’ll be taking me into operation theatre. I can’t explain the fear and anxiety inside of me. I thought this is over for me, my body gave up on me and I won’t be able to live with this. My phobia of stiches will make me want to rip them out of my body if I see them. I had the most traumatic experience from shaking for hours. I can’t explain my emotions at the time. It took me two weeks to look at my stiches, my partner cleaned and dried them for two weeks. It took 3 weeks for the postpartum shaking to stop. Ladies, if I have one advice please research into c section even if you are not a big fan of it. Research how to recover, others experience, what’s you’ll need etc. don’t let it scare you!
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I was the complete opposite. I wanted a c section. My mom had a c section my friends did and I knew absolutely nothing about giving birth vaginally it absolutely petrified me😭 I didn’t plan on having a c section at all but mentally I kind of hoped I did. So to add to YOUR ADVICE don’t manifest your doubts into the universe either. BECAUSE I HAD A C SECTION like I’d hoped but it was a terrifying experience because it wasn’t supposed to happen and it was for scary life threatening reasons. So be careful what you wish for🥲

Do doctors in the UK not do internal stitches and glue on the outside?

Any mothers planning or worrying about a c section- this is one persons experience.

@Victoria IM SORRY WHAT?! I live in California I HAD METAL STAPLES???

@Cienna Yeah I think it depends on the “need” I’ve had 4 csections and each time I’ve asked for dissolvable stiches (basically because I don’t want anyone to come back near me after) x

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