Night time Gripe water

Has any mom’s given their newborn gripe water? My son is two months old and has a lot of gas and I have been giving him gripe water. I am trying to find out how many times a day do you give your child gripe water and how long do you wait in between to give it to them?.
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Please just becareful while giving it. my baby cocked on that, something I can’t forget, add it in bottle maybe or maybe some other moms knows better way to give just becareful ❤️

I used it pretty religiously during that time because my son had lots of gas pains. I followed the bottle recommendation (it's been a while since I've used it so I don't remember what it was) it really helped. We used the night time gripe water before bed and during any wakeups and he did so much better. I have heard of babies choking on it but never experienced it, so just be careful and mindful and keep an eye on him when you give it to him.

I would suggest giving gas drops rather than the gripe water. Any with simethicone as the active ingredient, it breaks down gas bubbles and is safe for newborns. I use these and they are a life saver!

My baby is 5 months now but when she was a newborn we tried gripe water because she was so gassy and really difficult to burp. We didn’t notice a big difference with the gripe water, so our pediatrician recommended Mylicon drops and they worked amazing! We’d give them after every feeding. We still give them on occasion is she seems to have trapped gas and they work within minutes

I always just gave my newborn like .2oz water instead and lots of belly massages like just a drop or 2 of water water!

My daughter choked on that. Blue and everything. Plz do not

We used mylicon and baby bliss gas drops. She was very colicky

Don't use gripe grows mold and bacteria Just use gas drop, safe for baby and effective

Mylicon is the best

Mine has pretty bad gas, but I have gas drops that I give her that's worked much better than gripe water for us personally. We don't give it to her any less than 3 hours apart

Yep! Gripe water + Mylicon Gas drops were the holy grail for my twins! After 21 nieces and nephews I felt more than comfortable giving it to them All natural and works great. It lasts forever because they only need a few drops at a time. Can be used by adults as well!

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