I bought one of the wedge style ones just to try it and find it quite beneficial, literally just a cheap one from shein for the time being I begrudge paying a tonne for a pillow that I’ll only use for a few months 😂
I bought the bbhugme pregnancy pillow on recommendation from someone, it's amazing. Spenny, but worth it Ps, I am a side sleeper and have been meaning to buy one since before preg, so I'll be using it after baby arrives too
Yes. Do it. 😄 I got a cheap one off Amazon and even that has been a lifesaver https://amzn.eu/d/9DFjr0b
I also got a cheap J shaped one but it's unwieldy in bed. Takes up loads of space
I bought one of the big U shaped ones. It's so comfortable and it's so much better to sleep with. I rest bump on it and it feels like pressure has been taken off
I got a £25 one from Amazon because I was so uncomfortable in bed, it’s helped so far xx
I got mine from Asda and I’m sure it’s around 12ft it’s ginormous and really well priced! However I felt it did nothing for me, I just found using extra pillows either side of my bump helped me x
Yessssss so worth it still using mine 2 months pp when bf in bed lol I didn’t like the full body one tho and agree with @Emma 🌱 above the l/j shaped ones are good and the wedge ones are also good for pelvic/ back pain and just to like rest your bump on during the night
I guess I’ll be the odd one out, I HATED mine!! It was one of the big ones that wrap around your whole body basically, hated it. I was so uncomfortable, I ended up ditching it after a week and it just sat on the floor for the rest of my pregnancy 🤣
Worth every single dollar, you'll never look back 🥰
Thanks ladies - I’m convinced!
BB hug me can’t go without it! Expensive but I tried 4 others prior so don’t waste your money just go for it you won’t regret it!
Very worth it! I splurge in the bbhugme ants its SO worth it. I've previously had the cheap Amazon for my first pregnancy. I can really tell the difference.
I used a v shaped one to prop me up when I'm sat in bed reading. Otherwise, I used a slumbar knee pillow before pregnancy to stop me getting back pain and I still use that now. Tried using a pregnancy pillow instead and my back pain came back. Im 24 weeks tomorrow and feel eventually I may need something more but for now I'm not going to change things!
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I’ve got one of the ones that ties into a feeding pillow too and I love it! I hated the U shape one
I’m the same,I’m 20 week and just can’t get comfortable in bed at all