Breech baby

I’m currently 36 weeks 6 days, been told today my little girl is breech, I’ve opted into a c-section because turning the baby has only 50% chance and that’s it they stay there, any tips or words of encouragement would be definitely appreciated ❤️ I feel so nervous/mixed emotions.
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Hey, I am the exact same, I have got my x section booked in due to breech baby! Been told they will try move baby but I said no as I heard mixed reviews! Loads of people I no has had c sections and said they have been perfect xxx

Aww good that’s reasuring thankyou xx

@Ellie I am still so nervous but everyone said that normal as I’m having major surgery! Good luck when is your for xxx

Hey I had my baby early at 37 weeks 2 days via emergency c section due to her being breech still and heart rate elevated when my waters broke unexpectedy. It was honestly fine and mine was an unplanned section. Baby was out in something like 6 minutes. Cut is nice and neat. Recovery is going well. I know everyone is different but I'm walking lots already 4 Weeks pp and generally feel alright. Good luck! X

I have a breech baby too. I have section booked but also a scan at 38 weeks to see if they have turned 🤞🏼 I had a C-section with my first and I won't lie, the recovery is hard but it is all worth it in the end 🥰

Please do not worry 💖 I had an elective C Section and it was honestly the best thing! It's so relaxed, you don't feel a thing (yes it's a bit strange, being numb) but it's brilliant! You feel no pain and then your baby is out within 10 minutes. It's so quick. There are a lot of people in the room, checking on you and making sure you're okay, talking to you and keeping on top of your pain meds and keeping check on you at all times. I asked for a cold facecloth for my head because it was so warm in the room and it really helped. Also don't be alarmed if you get the shakes as it's normal but nobody really talks about that part 🤣 my teeth were chattering away lol and recovery hasn't been too bad for me. Its the injections that are hurting me, not the wound. You would need to take injections for 10 days after a c section or if there's a history of blood clots in your family - like in mine - it's 6 weeks and it's the only annoying part for me now ☹️🤣 Don't worry, your baby will be in your arms in no time 💖🥰

My baby was breech up until week 37 and then turned naturally. Xx so there may be time to change your mind if baby turns before then xx

I also have a breech baby and am 38 +5. Have my planned C section booked on Tuesday. Feeling nervous too but this thread has given me some reassurance!

My baby was also breeched but I decided to proceed with an EVC at 37 weeks even though there was only 50% success rate. It was uncomfortable but she ended up turning! But if your ok with having a c section, Ive been told by many people they prefer it vs natural. Good luck! 🍀

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