Hey guys,
Hoping mama to be here!
I had a positive pregnancy test o Monday and then it dawned on me that I took the test on an expired test.
I took 2/3 more test and they’ve come back negative BUT my period is 5 days late. This hasnt hasn’t happened before to me as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve had an ectopic pregnancy ( I knew I was miscarrying before even getting any medical advice, we weren’t trying, it was a surprise to both of us) in June, so I’m familiar with the pregnancy symptoms and weirdly enough I actually feel pregnant! I’ve had no bleeding and I’ve been advised my a nurse that its possibly happened again and I don’t believe it. A woman knows her body and I know mine.
Any advise? Anyone else got a negative pregnancy test and was actually pregnant?
What type of tests (brand) have you used?