I just forgot to mention in the post that he pays the mortgage and utilities and I pay for groceries and Wi-Fi. There is a mix of healthy and snacking options, but she tends to gravitate towards the junk and then when I would like to indulge, I can’t because it’s all gone.
I can’t have snacks or sweets in the house for this exact reason. If I do have them it’s in small small amounts.
I’d probably not buy snacks for a couple weeks (unless for yourself, hide them in a empty frozen veggies bag in the freezer😂😅) your frustration is valid for sure. I’m a super snacky person and the only way for me to stop is to literally not have them in house, or I will make my husband keep them in his truck, I am a fat girl😂😂 but it works! Haven’t been snacking the last couple months between doing those 2 things, so maybe try something along those lines for him.
Tell him if he wants to snack he needs to buy the snacks
Heres an idea, he may not like it. I don’t know how often you go grocery shopping. But let’s say you go every two weeks. Go to dollar tree buy a container of some kind, and fill it up with 10 dollars worth of snacks and tell him that those snacks have to last him for two to three weeks. Dollar tree has all kinds of options, bags of candy, popcorn, and canned goods. You can find a great variety of salty and sweet. This is just an idea, I don’t think late night snacking is healthy, I do it and it’s a problem I have. Also things like nuts and popcorn are filling and low in calories. I wish the best of luck. I know you want it to stop and you don’t want to condone to his eating habits but they may not stop. Also here’s an idea each time you get him snacks, make the amount smaller and smaller each time.
become an ingredient household ! if i want snacks- chocolate, chips etc i make it from scratch. if he’s gonna eat all the food maybe it’s cheaper this way or if they’re too much effort he’ll slow down or stop
Not sure how to help him but buy snacks you like and hide them. I have to do it ad a family of 6, soon to be 7 and 4 children who Wanna snack all day but don't understand the economy. I feel you, enjoy yourself a treat, even if you gotta lock yourself in the bathroom for a minute. Good luck!
It sounds like he has an unhealthy relationship with food, binging like that isn’t normal behavior. He might benefit from therapy and talking to a nutritionist
I would totally buy a bunch of rice and beans and such that are tough to snack on but make good meals.
@Jacqui i love it! making everything myself is so rewarding and you can control what goes in your food so it’s a lot healthier !
I would ask him to have a physical and some blood tests done. When my husband started snacking uncontrollably, it was because he had become diabetic. Now that we have his diabetes under control, he eats a normal number if times a day.
I told my husband off. I get stuff for us to share equally. And it's something both of us enjoy or I'll get something I like and something he likes. He will end up also staying up all night playing video games and snacking on all the food including my stuff. When he buys stuff it's literally only stuff he likes and he says "here I got you this" knowing damn well I don't like it at all and he goes "then fine don't eat it you're being ungrateful" like dude, we've been married 3 years you know the stuff I will and won't eat. And you do this on purpose so you have extra stuff meanwhile I have nothing. Also meanwhile I spend $300 on groceries to last 2 weeks because he eats up all the food and leaves me non. And when I bring it up he then will claim to starve himself even though when he eventually leaves for "work" I'm seeing empty fast food bags and some frozen meals boxes in our trash outside or I'll see through his car windows food wrappers&cups. Lol. So now I just don't even buy him anything. He's on his own.
Sorry sometimes the law needs laid down. These men are getting more and more entitled and lazy.
I literally have to tell my husband what is specifically for snacking and what is to eat any other time. Half the time he doesn't listen. Like, how do you find the time to eat all the damn food up when I'm awake and you're around and you're sleeping when I'm awake and you're home. I'm home 24/7 but can't find anytime for myself to eat and shower.
Well I’d suggest not buying many snacks and junk food. Opt for healthier items. Also…… uhhh is he not helping with groceries? Tell him to purchase snacks that he wants to binge through ALONG with household groceries. I’m sure he’ll start to understand.