1. Only ask for the things that truly matter. Otherwise your asks just become noise because there is often no consequence when he doesn’t listen. 2. Ensure he is ABLE to listen. If there are distractions or he is focused on something else, you may as well be talking to a wall. Have him make eye contact with you. 3. Tell him once what you need from him, and what the consequence is if he doesn’t do it. Short and sweet. “It’s time to put your shoes on. You can do it, or I will do it for you.” And then follow through. Every time. Remember that if it’s not something you can follow through on, don’t pick that battle, because you will lose.
Kids are so often engrossed in play, they can’t hear us. It’s like if you are watching TV and someone shouts to you from another room, it’s muffled and you can’t hear. If I really need him to do something, I shorten my language and either look him in the eyes or say something like, “touch your nose if you can hear my voice.” It might take a few times of me saying it for him to touch his nose, but once he does, I know I have his attention and we can move forward.
I'm dealing with the same thing but sometimes he can be mean. He bites and pushes his 1 year old sister sometimes and he threw a metal car at my face earlier.