Anyone here not get preeclampsia?

Curious. I just started taking baby aspirin per doctors request. Is it a for sure chance I’ll get it with twins? I’m hoping I get lucky and not have to deal with it 🤞🏼
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Oo that’s a tricky one and I’ve had to take aspirin for my last pregnancy which was a singleton and this one too with my twins due to the possibility which is annoying. I ended up with post pregnancy preeclampsia with high blood pressure something I’ve never had in my life.

I never had it, hope you avoid too

I avoided it during and after

I took baby aspirin with my singleton and my twins and did not have preeclampsia with either pregnancy. Good luck!

I was on baby aspirin from the day after I got a positive pregnancy test until the day I delivered and I never got pre-eclampsia! But after delivering I developed postpartum pre-eclampsia which I didn't know was a thing and I got sooo sick and my blood pressure wouldn't come down even with meds for a few days but we were all fine!

I didn’t get it. I took aspirin too.

I had it with my singleton. Took aspirin with my twins and never got it.

I didn’t get raised blood pressure in the slightest and that’s without taking aspirin. Totally possible.

I didn't take aspirin and was fine my entire twin pregnancy, then had postpartum preeclampsia which I didn't know was a thing either (which even now surprises me there's already been comments with other mamas experiencing this!!) I was in and out of the hospital for nearly 3 weeks after my twins were born because my blood pressure just wouldn't calm down and was scary high. I took aspirin as per my ob/gyn from 12-36 weeks pregnant with my singleton 10 years later. I didn't develop pre-e but I still had crazy bad high blood pressure which caused a lot of my migraines, my singleton pregnancy was actually way harder. I was induced at 37 weeks with her.

@Natalie yep same here, no aspirin, no high blood pressure...

@Mou I’m glad I’m not the only one, my consultant was incredibly difficult with me about my decision not to take it!

I had twins in 2021 I was borderline on having PA and I didn’t take any aspirin my twins were induced at 37+1 🥰

To the ladies that said yes, how long did you take it for? I read on the bottle that it says not to take when you have three months left of pregnancy because it will cause complications 😳

@Kira from 12 weeks until a week before delivery by c section for me so until 36 weeks in my case. Just followed the advice of my consultant.

@Kira from the day I got a positive to the day I delivered, always listen to your doctor. Even on my progesterone supplements it said not to take if pregnant like babe... that's WHY I'm taking you, to stay pregnant 😅😅

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@Kira I took it from 12 weeks until the day I delivered at 33 weeks.

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