Are you in the uk?
@Gaby yeah!
@Sarah this is helpful! I think my new manager waited until her children were older before she started progressing so assuming I will too maybe? But don't want it to limit me getting promotions I deserve/want.
I’d escalate this. Put in a formal grievance with your managers manager. The fact that this woman is in a leadership position and is discriminating against you does not bode well for your career path. If it was me, I’d make sure I change my path now by flagging her bizarre attitude. Which by the way categorically is discriminatory and if you were ever overlooked for a promotion in future you’ll want this statement on record incase it’s the reason why.
It is horrendous and totally wrong for her to even say that. It's discrimination at its best and sounds to me like she doesn't want anyone else to be successful. Definite grounds for a grievance if that's the way you wanted to go.
@Gaby I know her well and she's got a reputation for being an incredible manager and sorted out my mat pay in a day when HR said I wouldn't get any so shocked by what she said.
Thanks everyone. I will definitely hold in mind that it's grounds for a grievance. I'm going to see what she's like when I actually start- because I'm planning on asking to start my portfolio for promotion I the first week!
Some of the most successful women I know made a name for themselves whilst having very young children at home. As long as you are realistic and you work hard then you will be fine 🙂
No harm in giving her another chance I guess… but be cautious xx
That’s absolutely not the case in a lot of work place nowadays. And your manager shouldn’t have said that either as it against HR rule to tell their employee this. My advice is pursue any promotion, leaning and development opportunities you see. Don’t ever silence yourself. Be visible, proactive and do not compromise. Psychologically your manager is pretty pathetic and is somehow limited by their own biases.
That's unbelievable!! I've seen both sides however I've been lucky enough to not let it stop me. I had encounters with someone who's thoughts were that if your female and young enough to have babies, then you should not progress or be in a senior position. However, I then had a boss who was very supportive and when my daughter was 2/3 years old I received my first promotion. Its got better from there.