@Crystal I’m 25 weeks pregnant and just really struggling with it all x
It’s a totally normal thing to struggle with and it’s likely going to pass. Things are changing a lot right now, I’m sure you don’t feel like yourself and that’s fine. If you can speak to a therapist it might help, if it’s depression and it starts to get worse there are pregnancy safe medications. I had stopped mine when I found out I was pregnant and ended up back on one of them. I did notice it helped me
Great advice from @Crystal ! I’m 33 weeks and have had the same things on and off too and also struggled with anxiety and depression in pregnancy purely spurred on by the hormone changes I’m actually very happy about the pregnancy etc. my relationship has been all over the place just due to me struggling with my hormones and not seeing my partner the same way. It does get better, and I’m no expert but I highly recommend being honest with your partner if you can and reaching out for support if you can. Cut yourself some slack and try and ride it out as best you can. ❤️
It’s so so normal. Are you pregnant or postpartum? Either way try and give yourself some grace, it’s possible you could be suffering from some depression. Also hormones can do CRAZY things to your brain. It’s most likely temporary, maybe share how you feel with him if he is a supportive guy so he’s not in the dark. I had to have this talk with my husband and it helped him to know that I wasn’t feeling comfortable with how I was feeling. If that makes sense