
My son is 8 months old and I haven’t had sex for a long time as me and my bd split but when I gave birth I had a 2nd degree tear near where I pee and had dissolvable stitches I have a new partner and 8months pp I’ve only just had sex and now I’m in pain , I bled and feels like pain literally after I could move after having my stitches done I just wanted to know if it was a normal feeling? Thanks:)
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It's very common for sex to be uncomfortable for months after birth especially if this is the first time you've had it since giving birth. Although everything has healed externally, internally you could still be healing. It should get better over time but I would see how it goes the more you have sex, maybe take it really slow and gentle for a little, if it still carries on then I would suggest seeing your doctor just to make sure everything's healing as it should

Would defo book an app with a nurse at your gp practice as think it should be healed completely now and sex shouldn’t be painful (maybe slightly uncomfortable if you were nervous/anxious but not pain) xx

I am 3m pp and yet to give it a go but i had my smear and even putting in the speculum was awful and caused me to bleed. If you have scar tissue it may be a little tight and massaging it apparently helps (or so my doctor says). Might be worth giving that a go to see if it improves.


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