My SIL says my baby is white..

I am half black & white and my bf is fully white. His brother’s wife said that my baby is white and my “black doesn’t count” and he doesn’t get to “claim he’s mixed” Honestly it hurt my feelings and I’m confused to go about it.. Is she right or am I just overthinking it?
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He’s mixed regardless. Someone’s perception is not his reality. Correct her and ask her not to label him.

My oldest’s dad is white, I’m black, Puerto Rican and Chinese. He’s still everything that I am. Just bc he looks more white, doesn’t mean we say he’s just white.

No your baby is mixed. Tell her to simply F off :))))))

I’m mixed myself my dad is black and mum is white realistically if I had a baby with a white man my baby would be pretty much white and definitely white presenting however I would still teach them about their culture and wouldn’t fully erase it from their identity because it’s still a part of them but they’d need to understand their privilege when they’re older and how life can be different if you have a darker complexion etc. my baby otw is going to be mixed with my side and then my husbands which is Indian and Pakistani and I think it’s super important that she knows about all of her heritage

Out here in Cali. If you have any percentage of black then you're considered black. Why wouldn't it count? Sounds a little racist...that's for the birds.

@Chelsea you can see a lil something in her features, but I wouldn’t have guessed Jamaican! Also she’s so cute 🥰🥰

Your baby is mixed but might be white passing. I’m mixed black and white and my son’s dad is Korean, that doesn’t make him just Korean…. sorry but she needs to STFU and mind her business. Labeling someone else’s race is not a game to play in 2024.

I'm afraid someone will think that of me and my child.

Whack ass bitch 😵‍💫 id keep my distance from her

My son is “passing”. I am mixed, my partner is white. Yes, my son is black, but you wouldn’t look at him and think he’s a black boy. He will be able to say he’s black but will be mindful that he will never understand the struggles I went through growing up or the struggles of full black people go through growing up. My sister is the same way with her kids. And they definitely won’t get a pass at saying the n word lol they will understand their privilege and act accordingly

He’s a mixed baby. My children are mixed too even thought people say their “white presenting” 🙄 but that doesn’t take away from who they are. Like Logic says “I'm just as white as that Mona Lisa, I'm just as black as my cousin Keisha”

Ew. What a nasty bitch. Your child is mixed, it doesn’t matter what he looks like. My son is very white passing, but to claim that he’s not black is an insult to me and to his heritage. Fuck her.

Mixed children are mixed regardless of what they look like. Mixed is also a term that goes broader than just black mixed with white.

I’m mixed but white passing completely. I have an Afro Latino dad & white mom. I consider myself mixed first. But also realize how I present to the world and don’t speak as someone who has a different experience. On the other hand my son’s dad is fully Mexican. I still consider my son to be mixed even tho he doesn’t look it

From the way I was told once, a person like that, that has a certain percentage of another race in them, yes, it’s their background and heritage, but they are at that point the other race. Certainly we all have other things mixed in us, but that doesn’t make us that. At the same time it doesn’t mean it’s not our culture or part of our background or heritage. But that’s just my opinion. I SEMI feel this way should my daughter have a child with someone who isn’t Black or Hispanic. However, it’s also not up to anyone how anyone identifies themselves but that person.

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I’m white and my child’s father is black. My son has been born white with a few black features. Every time we attend a hospital appointment they say white British for his ethnicity and I have to correct them to mixed other which is where I get strange looks.

my baby is only 1/4 black (i’m half black half white, dad is white) and i barely consider her black 🤷🏽‍♀️ technically yes she’s mixed but she looks white

Your baby is mixed. NO ONE gets to tell you what they are or are not. Stand up for your child when someone tries to undermine their ethnicity. My son is mixed, my baby daddy is West Indian and I am white. My son is brown. I refuse to let anyone take that away from him. I call him my little brown baby, always have and he loves it. My boyfriend’s mom LOVES to tell me that I shouldn’t call him that or likes to try to take away that he is brown and I don’t let her. Just because your baby is more white than black, does NOT mean they are any less. Do not let her talk to you or your baby like that. If she continues after your boundaries, I wouldn’t let her around your child. Do not ever let anyone talk down to your child, I would talk to your boyfriend about it and see if he is on the same page as you and have him say something as well. My boyfriend stands by what I say, as does his siblings.

She really sounds quite racist icl 🫠

@Emily yes! Why do people think they have a right to say anything! It's ignorant 🤨

She’s wrong

Race is such a dumb construct. Same breath, you can't just erase someone's culture.

I think people are also confusing race and ethnicity.

Im puerto Rican and black and my man is white and black. I grew up with people either only acknowledging my black side or Puerto Rican side and I hated it. I got bullied for being black or “acting” black and wasn’t accepted by the Spanish people because I didn’t look Spanish enough and didn’t speak Spanish. I’ve been worried lately about baby coming and her going thru the same thing in the future. As I said my man is half black half white and you can tell he is mixed but he is more white presenting. Tan skin blonde hair blue eyes. Idk I just want to be able to teach my baby about all of her heritages and teach her to embrace them whether she is white passing or not.

sorry to hear that. Set your boundaries with her. She shouldnt of said such thing to you. Also people will always chat shit. Never take anything to heart. They do it for you to feel triggered.

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