Hi. I had a gassy problem with my son. Bio gaya really helped me + massages. Massages can show the baby how to get rid of gasses on their own.
Make sure to burp after each fed or else will lead to bowel gas. Try adding probiotics. And for yourself, try cutting out dairy as it can cause gas, I noticed my 5 week old has gas after I eat dairy and I’m going to cut it out. I also recommend a chiropractor specialized in babies. I’ve seen this really help mine
I had the same problem with my daughter and found burping more frequently IE half way through the bottle or in between breasts helped. Also keeping them upright for 16-20 minutes after feedings. Something to keep in mind is signs of reflux as my daughter ended up having it and my DR said it’s often mistaken for gas. Signs include throwing their head back during feeds, getting stiff during feeds as well as crying during feeds.
My 8 week old daughter also has the same problem, feeding her from a bottle in the side lying position( where she is lying on her left, on your thighs with head facing towards your leg, ear-shoulders-back-butt all in straight line), keeping them upright for atleast 30 minutes and walking with baby on your shoulder(burping position) all of these along with BioGaia probiotics seems to be helping a bit. My doc also recommended using a wedge pillow under her crib mattress to elevate 10 degrees.
My baby is going through the same phase and she’s 4 weeks old tomorrow. The football hold helps tremendously and she gets some loud burps out before settling to sleep. Once she’s had a poo it gets better so I also bicycle her legs and press them towards her stomach to help get things moving.