Potty question

At daycare we’ve tried putting our 2.5 years old boy in underwear for the week and sometimes he’ll have accidents pee and poo. Sometimes he says when he needs to go sometimes not. He definitely doesn’t poop in the toilet So I’m wondering do I continue to put underwear and no diaper because he can pee on the potty but knowing he will poop in his underwear or keep him in diapers until he’s more ready than what he is currently
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It’s a process. I’m trying a similar way with my daughter. So far, she’s peeing (mostly) in the toilet but definitely not pooping yet. The experts all say it takes time to get the poop part down. Stay strong and carry on, Mamma!

@Sabrina so then you are cleaning poops in her underwear once or twice daily? I think my mind is saying that’s not normal but I have no idea. I think I should continue his underwear idk

Most daycares require 2 weeks accident free before allowing regular underwear without protection

@Shelli mine goes with what the parents do so that doesn’t apply to my situation. Its nice that I can apply same techniques at home and at daycare. I just need to bring extra change of clothes

👋😉 Hi @Michelle I hear you Mama! This potty training stuff is HARD! Especially the poo part. Mastering the skill of pooping in a potty or toilet can take some toddlers a little longer to get used to! (...aaaand lots of practice) before they eventually become comfortable pooping in a seated position sitting down on a potty or toilet. Hang in there! I think I can offer some helpful advice! I've been potty training toddlers for over 39+ years. I'm Miss Jen Professional Potty Training Coach! Creator and admin of this wonderful potty training support group. Here's a helpful video series about the "poo process" to guide you thru this stage! https://youtu.be/wF7rHz_xXMU

Same situation here. Every other day we seem to be getting poos in pants at nursery. I just tell them to chuck those pants away. They’re cheap enough. No way am I going back to nappies when he is almost accident free away from nursery!

Yesterday he had zero accidents and took himself to the potty when he needed to go!! So I think it’s just a process. But he definitely needed to poop and held it in all day mentioned a few times he needed to poo tried but couldn’t. So I worry he’ll get constipated now

@💗 Miss Jen thank you all your YouTube videos helped and gave me alot of clarity

☺💗@Michelle so many of my mommy clients have good luck with the Children’s Culturelle Gentle Fiber vitamin Probiotic Gummies https://amzn.to/3kiNU48

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