Little Concerned , am I still pregnant?

I'm about 13 weeks now and for the last 2 weeks ( been under loads of stress) or so I have not felt any fluttering anymore and also no symptoms, like none at all ( I had some morning sickness before this) I had some bloating but now my belly is flatter than ever before. This is my second pregnancy. I just think it's a little weird... or am I paranoid for nothing.
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I'd make an appointment soon just to calm your nerves otherwise you're likely to stress about it. I'm 16 weeks and for 2 weeks a while back I didnt feel much but fast forward a week still had those twinges, heartburn and other symptoms. Symptoms can come and go!

Hi! My guess is everything is fine! At 13 weeks, you’re entering first trimester is coming to an end, and from what I’ve seen, second trimester is way more chill, so I’m not surprised that you’re not feeling symptoms. Any fluttering/movement is still super early to feel right now, that usually doesn’t happen until 16-20 weeks, so not feeling anything is probably very normal as your HCG levels have now peaked, your body’s adjusted to being pregnant, etc. To calm your nerves, it couldn’t hurt to check in with your doctor, but my money is on everything’s fine!

I’ll be 15 weeks tomorrow… I think you’re fine. And no symptoms for most is a good thing. As long as you’re not cramping or bleeding then I would take that as great news. Definitely try to balance your stress. Idk anyone that is 100% stress free. But find something to do that eases your mind. Talk to your baby and touch your stomach I don’t think they can hear us yet but we’re connected❤️

Yes you should be totally fine. I have almost zero symptoms, 16 weeks, and not feeling kicks yet(I felt them with my first starting around 17 weeks!) I had an ultrasound yesterday and baby was alive and healthy 🥰

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