What weed is better for when your pregnant

I have been smoking thur out my pregnancy. I take very small hit here and there. All tho none of it is 100% safe. What would be the better option? Joint, Bong, wax pen or edibles?
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i say bong bc you’re just smoking the weed and nothing else. joints you’re also inhaling smoke from the paper, wax pens would be my last choice bc of unknown ingredients in them especially if you’re in an illegal state. edibles i’m not sure, they can have added chemicals from the extraction process

Bong or herb vaporiser but make sure they are always clean. Eating it I would say no because goes straight to baby that way. I found UK blue cheese was a good night and day for anxiety and sickness but it does have a strong taste so if you are sick it tastes so bad

Probably bong or homemade edibles

Bong helps filter the lighter fluid so I would recommend that. HOWEVER, Cannamom to another, My child did get tested when born through his meconium. CPS came in and she told me if I admit I partook than they would have to keep an eye and call me back, so they asked if I was “in close contact” and I said “Yes I would be near Dad during smoke breaks” And She said “Cool don’t do that or else we will have to come in and make a case and you seem like a good Momma. :)” She was actually REALLY helpful. So many Cannamoms think it’s not a big deal but they test your child anyways with or without your consent. I had no idea they would drug test my baby, but I guess it’s because I was honest on the paper and said that I would be near smokers… And it doesn’t matter if you told your OB and not the hospital it’s in your files… So they know. 😅 Absoluteky NO edibles the concentration is just wayyy to high and that will actually go into your system where baby can also enjoy a nice lact

a nice trip* Also Not to scare you but my sister is a Nurse as well and she told me my baby WILL go through “withdrawals” and she’s seen it. I also did see my baby for the first two weeks struggle with withdrawl. It broke my heart. Especially since I couldn’t breastfeed so it’s not like he would be getting the little bits to help ween him. He had to really fight that ish out… They really do not tell you everything when you smoke. Yes my baby is healthy and happy 100% but It personally did break my heart to see that my usage affected him. Also please do not come for me lol I kept using because I have major anxiety, my therapist told me to lightly use it to help me if I wasn’t comfortable taking medication. & She recommended that smoking for me was better than meds & better for the baby. Which it was but I could definitely see withdrawl symptoms and THATS the reality that “Cannamothers” Hide…

@Fey i think that varies by state. i live in Colorado and my daughter wasn’t tested at birth that i know of. there was definitely thc in my system at birth but they never said anything. i’ve never heard of the withdrawal thing, what were the symptoms of you don’t mind me asking?

Probably just stick to flower. Joint/bong, if you can stick to a source you know that way you know about what's being used. But definitely flower. I smoked through out and after. Baby is beyond advanced, no complications, no withdrawals?, perfectly healthy. Take care of you! I had terrible migraines and needed it.

@Izzie Struggle falling asleep, constipation, dehydration, jaundice is still being researched but that also may affect them and I believe that it has to do with liver development as well. You’re right I forget not everyone in this group lives in CA but even then CA it’s legal here and everything. They told me that they test the babies because although legal for mom it’s not legal for the baby. And It may depend on hospital, Vs State because I’ve heard some Cannamoms of Colorado kind of bump into the same thing. It’s definitely not common I suppose but it’s is a thing for them to test and it’s better safe then sorry to let a fellow CannaMom know so she can consider all options. If it’s for medicinal purposes my therapist and OB said small amounts is fine, in my stoner knowledge a bong is cleaner (especially if you upkeep a clean bong), but it’ll still pass through to the baby. If it’s something more of a hobby then I would recommend not smoking & weening off.

@Izzie it was hell having to watch my baby struggle to sleep, And it’s not like newborn can’t sleep struggle where something will soothe them. I did everything, diaper changes, pacifiers, bottle/breast, even holding him wasn’t enough :/ It’s like a toddler trying to fight sleep. That was my son though and our experience and I didn’t smoke often, only 2-3 hits a day once to ease morning anxiety and again to help my insomnia. Once more if I had anxiety during the day. It’s definitely not all kids many moms say their kids come out fine. Mine just happened to not. So it’s a fair warning however it’s not my place to judge or tell a Cannamother what to do. 😌 My son is 100% fine and healthy now but the first while it wasn’t the best and I felt terrible 🥲 Mostly because I didn’t have the knowledge and kept being told “it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine”

@Fey oh wow thanks for sharing. i was just surprised i’d never heard of that happening. my experience was definitely different, i stopped after finding out but would have a hit or two every once in awhile once i was in the 3rd trimester. it helped me sleep better. my daughter did have a tiny bit of jaundice but didn’t need treatment, overall she was perfectly healthy. i’m happy everything worked out okay for you

@Izzie No worries, Definitely sucks I had to find a lot of it out after, but I’m happy to spread knowledge for safe consumption & making sure mommas and babies stay together! Something that’s used medicinally for some shouldn’t make it “criminal” IMO. 😌

Erm none!

@Rebecca agreed

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