Has anyone cut out caffeine?

Cut out caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, fizzy drinks etc.) since finding out I was pregnant. I know the guidance about a safe daily limit to caffeine in pregnancy but I just haven’t wanted to take any risks. Now I’m coming up to 14 weeks and so exhausted, considering reintroducing maybe one weak coffee a day - is anyone else in a similar boat? What are your thoughts on caffeine in pregnancy?
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I’ve cut out caffeine and replaced it with decaf coffee and decaf Diet Coke. My midwife said two coffees at home is okay a day or one Starbucks (or equivalent) so I now treat myself to a ‘proper coffee’ if I’ve had a rough day 😂

I'll have the occasional caramel latte in the morning out somewhere especially if I'm feeling knackered! And the odd can of coke zero/pepsi max, I think as long as you're not overdoing it, one or two coffees a day would be fine! I found the coffee in the morning would perk me up and then just having decaf tea in the day and realising it was more just a warm drink I was wanting than the caffeine! X

I couldn’t stop drinking coffee and I hate decaff! So I literally have one small cup of coffee every morning, it’s nowhere near the recommended daily limit and a lot less than I used to drink

I cut off drinking caffeine but have definitely struggled to avoid eating chocolate 😅xx

Some days I probably go over the limit but I was never excessive with my caffeine in take anyway. It was the same when I was pregnant with our son and he's fine 😊

I've cut our drinking caffeine for the most part. Only if I go somewhere that doesn't have decaf would I have one. I like chocolate too so still have that every so often as a treat😅

Ngl I still occasionally drink redbull😂 especially the days I have so much to do

I still drink tea everyday. I used to drink 1 sometimes 2 tins of monster a day so I’ve cut that out 🥹 couldn’t cut out the tea also🤣

I did that in my first pregnancy but haven’t with this one. Just one coffee a day and no other caffeinated drinks for me

I’ve mostly cut it out but had it on the odd occasion as I’ve got another little one and in the first trimester sometimes just needed a pick me up. I’ve been feeling better energy-wise in the 2nd trimester however sometimes do crave an iced coffee!!! I, like you, mainly try to avoid altogether in pregnancy though if I can ❤️ xxx

I have one or two a day, I couldn't go without!

I have a cup of coffee every morning and then if I want a take away I usually just have decaf. Drinks like coke, Red Bull and similar I don’t drink anyways

I haven't. I've had 3 miscarriages too, but I only tend to drink one fozzy drink a day. Bottle or can and a large strong coffee in the morning. I don't do energy drinks at all so I think in moderation is fine If you don't want to them that's obviously fine too, you won't harm yourself or baby by having the odd one x

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