Cold/flu help!

I’ve come down with a cold this week and finding info online very conflicting with what I can take to help shift it! Any tips and tricks would be fab x
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Honestly i just stick to paracetamol, vapour rub, honey and lemon in hot water and steam xx

Same as @Jess has said above. Steer clear of anything other than paracetamol or vapour rub. Lots of fluids and rest xx

Also you can buy nasal spray that is just saline spray. I get the Sterimar one which has been really helpful as I’ve had pregnancy rhinitis and therefore have had a blocked and runny nose a lot of the time ❤️ Also getting into steamy bath/shower etc will help and make you feel a bit more human. Coffee also helps as a mild decongestant and just makes you feel a bit more alert in general. I think you can have 200mg caffeine per day on NHS guidelines xxx

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