Weight loss

Hi! I am 13 weeks + 3 days today! My bmi is 34.5 and since the day I found I was pregnant which was exactly 3 weeks my weight has remained pretty much the same with some fluctuations. Today I’ve weighed myself after a little while and I’m down 2.5lbs from that start weight. I have felt sick so I guess there have been times I’ve eaten slightly less but I have been feeling good the last week or two and I’m just concerned. As I am bigger starting this journey is this normal? Should I be worried?? Thank you!
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I lost a stone with son, and this pregnancy I’ve lost 10kg so far but I’ve got hyperemesis. They hospital aren’t concerned about my weight loss so I’m sure you’ll be fine

This is my fourth pregnancy and each time I've lost weight due to sickness. Last time I got weighed a month ago, I was down almost 25lbs

I do have hyperemisis though 😅

It’s great that we eat healthier or can’t eat certain things , it helps us lose weight! I lost 7 kg with my baby girl 😘

Yeah, if you've got a higher BMI you can even carry on doing things like slimming world just ensuring you're not loosing too much each week and continue to fuel your body as much as you can! Which can be difficult with sickness and nausea anyway!

This link gives advice for weight gain dependent on your starting BMI. However if in doubt speak to your midwife. https://www.thewomens.org.au/health-information/pregnancy-and-birth/a-healthy-pregnancy/weight-pregnancy

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