Family law Probono/ advice???

I need help. My kids dad forced me into court for 50/50 (jealous of new husband and baby) he and his lawyer got basically all of the decision making (even though I’ve done it their whole lives) I went in without a lawyer so that could be why. This guy got sole responsibility and decision making BUT I am forced to keep the kids on my insurance yet I have little to NO SAY on their medical/ mental or schooling. The guy has capital gains so it “doesn’t count” as income. He has had his own private insurance and hasn’t ever added the kids to his insurance at all. Since he got all of the decision making I took them off of my insurance thinking he was going to take care of it but no… he wants them on Medicaid so he doesn’t have to pay a dime. This isn’t Just, at all. I am being forced to do this. This guy has made MILLIONS off of capital gains! He chose a school that I had no say in and I have to drive 30 mins to a school for one of my kids every day when there is a school right across the street from my house.
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@Alena not true. Colorado is not a mom state. They always try to make the dad stay active in the kids' lives, even if he's abusive. Also, it doesn't matter what the custodian parent makes the other parent must always pay child support.

I missed all of the other comments. I didn’t see what anyone said but I do agree, Colorado isn’t a woman’s state anymore.

Looks like the other lady erased her comment. She had said that colorado was a mom state and that her husband's has to pay child support even though his ex more money than him

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