Feeling unsure about everything

Hello Ladies! Well, I am 40 weeks + 5 days and scheduled to be induced on Friday. Full disclosure, I am 36 years old and this is my first. I have never had that "feeling" like it seems most women do that they MUST have children. I have never desired it, it always sounds nice but if it didn't happen, I was okay with that too. Well, I married someone who really wanted children so we made it happen. However, now that it's getting closer, I am so incredibly nervous about it. I am not sure if it's the labour or whats to come after, my age or just a mix of all of it but I can't shake this feeling!! Like, not one part of me is excited about this to be happening, my nerves have taken away any excitement I had felt earlier in the pregnancy. I guess I am just wondering if any other moms felt this way before having kids and what changed for you? Posting incognito as I am quite embarrassed to be feeling this way even after my due date. Thank you ❤
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Totally feeling this at the moment! My partner wanted children and to an extent so did I however this pregnancy is taking its toll on my physical and mental health. We are extremely high risk and I fed up of having to challenging medical professionals to meet our needs. I’m by myself around 16hrs a day and going insane I hope it gets better for you

it will all change once you hold your baby 💜

There’s nothing be embarrassed about ❤️ you are definitely will be a great mother 🤍 I had my first just two weeks ago and it’s best thing that ever happened to me . Even tho throughout my pregnancy most of time emotionally it wasn’t easy but after all the labour and seeing my baby it’s feeling hard to describe. You get this 💪💪 that change it’s worth it believe me 😇 I hope you have a very positive labour 🤍

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