No nausea

I was so sick during my first pregnancy. I couldn’t even keep water down and need an iv briefly at 10 weeks. This started from 6 weeks suddenly and came on strong. It did go away around 14 weeks. I’m over 6 weeks pregnant with my second but haven’t really got any sickness this time. It should be a blessing but it’s making me anxious! Has anyone else had a very different experience second time round?
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Snap! Mine is so different this time. Makes you worried everything is ok.

@Lou Lou yes! I keep worrying that somethings wrong instead of enjoying the fact I’m not super sick right now! 🤦🏻‍♀️🥲

My last two I was very sick like throwing up every morning/dinner time. And this one is like I’ve got no symptom at all apart from a bit crampy. I’m 6 weeks tomorrow according to the pregnancy app and got doc appointment in two weeks so I’m hoping all is ok. Scan date can’t come quick enough x

Both my first and second pregnancies were similar. Nausea, throw up. I defo got slight nausea and sore boobs. It won’t always be the same

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