Same as Emily, in the past couple of weeks I just noticed consumption had increased, his nappies were giving me a clue too 😓 I also agree that toast is a tricky one, it’s fairly resistive and if mine gets a decent chunk off sometimes instead of working with it he’ll just spit it. It also turns mushy very quickly so it’s hard to recognise what’s been eaten and what’s just disintegrated! I tend to look at other foods, usually the more scoopable or softer foods to gauge how much has actually gone in. But there are definitely still some meals that are more about exploration that consumption, and I’m totally fine with that.
Mine is 9 months and when she is in the mood for a certain food she'll keep it in her mouth long enough to eat some tiny pieces. She isn't a big spoon feeder though so usually only manage a couple of spoons. Nappies are a bit more solid though so something is going in
Similar to others. My LO looks like she is just playing with food a bit. But something is definitely going in as her nappies are definitely more solid! At this age I wouldn't worry too much! You'll notice the nappies getting more solid over the next few months. With my first I noticed the mess with food slowly decrease around 18mo and now he is 3 there is next to none.
My lo has just turned 9 months, she definitely eats a lot of her food. I just put it out on the plate in front of her and I get on with eating mine and she pretty much eats all of hers watching me. But they are all different, my son (who we spoon fed) didn’t eat much until he was quite a bit older x
around 8 my lo didnt eat i staryed freaked so much i cut out od all the pures then started proper blw and started eating when she is eating even when am full ,,she started giving me sign that she is liking it she still throw food but 100% better then before ,,she turned 9 and know how to eat herself but very little not much her nappy is more like solids 🤨
I’ve definitely noticed that he’s consuming more over the past couple of weeks. I think toast can be a funny one with the texture! But, I’m noticing he will eat a whole pastry pinwheel fully now if I give him one. If I ever doubt he’s had much, I tend to give him Greek yoghurt with fruit mashed in, so I know he’s getting some fat/protein from the yoghurt - I preload the spoon and he feeds himself