Her being ready depends on a lot. When she is doing it on the potty are you putting her on or is she actively telling you she needs the toilet? I personally wouldn’t take my child out without a pull up or something until they were trained because that would be more distressing for both of yous I imagine. X
@Katie wouldn’t that confuse her at this point she’s been out of nappies for just over a week. She’s only having accidents when she needs to poo she’s just struggling to do that comfortably on the potty x
@Hayley I’m just worried if I do pull up I’d be confusing her. They are potty training pants so do help hold the wee but I wasn’t expecting her to poo. She needed encouraging at the beginning but is now actively stripping off and going to the potty herself. Even enjoys flushing it down the toilet x
I would say she isn’t quite ready, try not to stress too much. She’s still quite little. Xx