Who has finally made it to 12 weeks?🥳

Has it gone fast or slow for you? What are your symptoms like now? I have finally reached 12 weeks - I’ve been waiting for this week for so long! My symptoms were quite mild anyway but have definitely notice that I feel more human and like my old self again! 🙏🏻😌
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Oh that’s so good. My sickness hasn’t gone away and I’m an emotional mess today 🤣🤣🤣 and I’m 12 weeks today too

@Dominika hopefully it will ease off soon for you 🙏🏻😌

I’ve made it too! It’s gone so slowly for me aswell

11+4 almost there🥰🥰🥰

@Dominika I am the same I’m 12 +1 today and hopefully all will be well at our scan this morning but the last two days my sickness has been horrific

I’m 12+1 definitely more energy! My scan is today and I’m NERVOUS

I have severe scanxiety too @Ella

12 weeks today! My symptoms have been mild but I was so wiped out yesterday, I think LO must be having a growth spurt. Scan on Tuesday, I'm excited & nervous too

12 weeks today! Haven’t got my scan until next Wednesday though where I’ll be 12+6. Feeling so much more human now than I was earlier on!

12 weeks today for me too, still feeling all the first trimester feels, if anything potentially worse than I have been 😂

I’m 11 weeks today, so very close to 12. My scan is a week today, and I’m terrified 🥲

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