I’m planning on getting an implant fitted. It starts working after about a week or so (depending on when during ur cycle it’s fitted) I’ve used it before and i actually lost weight on it! Obviously take that with a pinch of salt as everyone is different when it comes to contraception 😊 lasts for 3 years so you can put it to the back of your mind and can have it taken out any time. Doesn’t hurt having it fitted / removed either. I just have a tiny scar on my arm from having it removed (you’re totally numbed during the process too) I forgot to take my pill all of the time,don’t like the idea of a coil and the injection can lead to reduced bone density if used long term. If you and your partner are done having babies maybe talk with him about a vasectomy 🤷🏻♀️ they’re usually reversible and relatively painless. Depending on what me and my partner decide (more kids or not) this is what my partner will be doing :)
The copper coil! It's non hormonal so doesn't affect your cycles or moods at all. I'm due to have another one fitted next month and i can't wait!
The non hormonal coil is probably your best option if you don’t want the risk of weight gain as a side effect xx