Could just be the lighting Also you don't always ovulate at the same time so you could be less further along than you was with your first. I would just test again in a few days x
It’s better to test every other day instead of every day just because the difference in how dark the line is will be so much more obvious. I did not take my own advice and freaked out over tests not looking as dark the following day and it all turned out fine. No one can say for sure - but you’ll save yourself a lot of anxiety if you wait a day between tests. Good luck!
@Ali This makes me feel wayy better, thank you!! Did you have any cramping? This is also a worry for me, I didn’t have any with my first pregnancy but the last two days have been wicked- still with faint lines.
@Laura mine haven’t been constant like how they are with my periods. But I’ll have these weird intense cramps for a couple seconds or so that come and go if that makes sense?
Could it be a chemical pregnancy?😭