My mums also getting her a walker, I've got an activity cube on the list, activity table, some flash cards, and likely plenty of books. We also have some magnetic toys on there too 😊
This is going to sound awful but I’m going to wrap up toys that I kept from my LG. He won’t know any different and will be at the stage to use them. I don’t need to go out and buy the same toy twice. When it comes to asking I’ll ask for clothes / money to be put in his ISA xx
@Lauren not awful at all, I’ll probably do the same, I remember my April 22 baby wasn’t bothered at all her first Christmas. Expecting baby boy will just love watching his older sister x
@Lauren I think it's a great idea - having kids is expensive enough so if you can save along the way why wouldn't you! As you say why but what you already have x
@Shenel I’m pleased I’m not the only one, my June 22 wasn’t bothered either it was more the sensory.. noise from the wrapping paper she was interested in and lights in Christmas trees 🤣 absolutely same here! Xxx
@Laura you’re so right! My LG found Christmas so over stimulating as so much going on. I’m just going to keep it simple this year for my LB first Christmas xx
Everybody wants to buy her something and I don’t really have any ideas. We bought a walker off vinted last week so I’m going to wrap that from us. But we might use our Christmas money to get a second car seat because she won’t know. And then her presents can be from other people
Hape First Balance Bike was a big hit here indoors
My mum's getting her an activity walker and so far on my list I'm thinking either an activity table or cube plus sensory toys, shape sorter, books and probably clothes x