Getting gifts that’s all that stresses me out honestly. Oh and family thinking they can dictate when you should see them over Christmas. We stood our ground last year and gave them dates when we were free,made it less stressful for us
Christmas Shopping altogether.
Navigating Xmas with mom and dad separated.
Navigating family visits 🙈
Family visits. His family just eats dinner together p poppyseed whereas mine had breakfast,games, presents, dinner and more games after dinner so bit of a shock to the system really
@Gaby I’m dreading it 😩 I’ve tried to save but I bet I’ll still need more!
@Jolo That’s such a good idea! We’re lucky we have set days for family already so hoping they don’t want more 😬
@Shareese I start planning now so I don’t have to do it all in one go 😂 my girls are 1 at the start of December so I have that to shop for as well! 😫
@Gemma my favourite thing about Christmas is time with family but this is definitely something I’m worried about as well! I like the idea of giving dates that we are available xx
@Poppie my husband had a bit of a shock with this as well. It is nice having one busy day and one chilled day though 🥰
@Tamra I can imagine this is hard! Especially with any in laws as well. I hope it all goes smoothly for you ❤️
Trying to find head space to enjoy the fun activities with the kids and feeling present and not stressed with all the other stuff X
Having to divide your time over Christmas visiting friends and family. Making sure you’ve got time to wrap presents I had so many late nights wrapping presents last year due to going back to work after maternity leave
@Jenny This is mum life all year round so I’m dreading how heightened it will be near Christmas 😫 I do find practising mindfulness definitely helps though ❤️
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@Josie Make sure you prioritise the people you want to see rather than pleasing the people who want to see you! It’s your Christmas as well ❤️ I will definitely start wrapping presents in November 😂
@Hannah I have a week off in November and that’s my plan to wrap lgs birthdays gifts and Christmas gifts I bought so far that’s what I did the year she was born 😂
Navigating Christmas with grandparents when they only have one grandchild, but we want Christmas to be for our family.
@Hannah if only that is what we do. So far we’ve done everything the morning at one house then the afternoon at the others
Where im going to put everything people are gonna buy for my LO lol. I live in a poxy flat. Hoping to move before Christmas. Also where is the damn Christmas tree gonna go x
Spending time with family that I don't like or don't like me.....