I could have written this myself 😂 my little boy is obsessed with cars and being outside, we struggle too to find him things to do! Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in this 😂🥲
Thank you ladies 🫶🏼
Sorry funnily enough got distracted by him wanting me to come play with the cars 😂 thought id pop back to add our biggest hits here toy wise, besides cars or anything on wheels really, is musical toys. He LOVES music. So one of the things we do when he seems to have energy to burn and not be interested in things is just play the radio and be silly and dance together and he has a musical drum, guitar and trumpet thing as well as a flute and tambourine he enjoys 'playing' alongside music. He even has a short broom and uses the handle like a microphone and 'sings' along sometimes. Someone once said to me when I was asking for advice that he sounds like he prefers busy play and it does seem to fit well so also looking at different fidget toys and things like that to see what he thinks but haven't tried any out yet
Try creating a picture by driving the cars through paint and then onto paper.
Don't really have any advice or much to offer but just thought I'd come say I'm in exact same position. Been trying months to get him in to arts and crafts type stuff but like you I don't push it I just leave it a few days and get some bits out to try again but he never shows interest in anything that involves being still for more than 30 seconds lol