She obviously doesn’t value gifting as a way to show love, unless it’s self love. So while I wouldn’t go with the shein option, I would just scale presents right back for her. Still be thoughtful but just keep it low key.
@Emma I could work with this 😂
Buy a $5-$10 candle in tjmaxx, Burlington or marshals. Make sure it looks like you were uninterested in getting her anything
Here are a few ideas for “thoughtful” gifts you can get this year 😉 * Anti aging cream, * a pill box (for all her medication she will need as she is getting old) * the most ugly nightdress you can find * a hot water bottle (old people need to stay warm 😂) * a book you know she has read (😂) If she wants to buy you crap just buy something awful (but “thoughtful” l) back lol
@Brittany or a sweater 4 sizes smaller (if she’s big) 😂😂
@Brittany you guys did not disappoint lol
I’d just get her a gift card to a restaurant she hates lol