Hey beauty been homeschooling for 5yrs ive had to learn how to teach completly different than how i learned. I learned memorized formulas and steps but never was taught why. My 9yr old was just like this its not about memorizing its about knowing why the rules are what they are. For example why do u have to carry the 1 on a problem like 11+19 bc 1+9=10 the 1 has no where to go but on top. Something so simple can mess up a kids formulas when numbers get bigger if they are taught to memorize vs understanding the reason behind the rule. Does that make sense? I can go into more detail if need ive had to also change how i teach reading bc some of our rules suck 🤣
Hope this helps
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He's not forgetting, he just has his mind occupied elsewhere. Try to pay attention what's caught his attention these days and google practical maths in real life situations. First help him solve whatever it is that he's struggling with in his mind and then when that's off the table introduce practical maths and present it with a question. Maths is like piano you can't forget it, you just change priorities from time to time. Remember this is about his learning pace not your teaching achievements, so run it the way he can learn it not the speed you can teach. That's the whole point of homeschooling. 🤗💕
I think you need to take some of the pressure off of yourselves- it’s homeschool- you get to make the rules- if he’s not get the math part right now that’s ok take a break from it for a month even 2… find other ways to incorporate math without actually doing math like cooking or playing games that use math. And when you feel you are both ready then try again… you guys got this! It isn’t worth losing your peace of mind over! 💝