Unless you are feeling pain, discomfort or you don't want to then it's absolutely fine to continue. You aren't doing baby any harm, being active is a good thing tbh, becoming sedentary when you don't need to will have more of a negative effect!
Thank you. I wasn't too worried, but my husband keeps reminding me to don't bend and look at me worried every time I hold our son😅....my mum and grandma also keep telling me to be careful. I already feel I'm doing less than before. I'll see how it goes, I might let him mop if he insists 😋
Haha definitely take advantage if you can 🤪
I was still throwing my 14m old in the air and catching him at 38+6wks pregnant (I gave birth that day 😂). It’s amazing what our bodies can do and handle. I agree to take it easy when you feel like you need it but as mentioned baby is well protected in there and you’ll know within yourself your limits / when you overdo it.
I think if you still feel you can, then do it! I bent over yesterday and could literally see stars.. decided not to do that again 🤣
@Loren 😅 ....what do you mean? You felt dizzy?
I think I probably do too much heavy lifting than I should be, I always get painful aches afterwards too but my MIL has been trying to take heavy things off me since I found out 🤣
I'm 24 weeks and run my own dog walking business, still out for 8 hours walking every day and people think I'm bonkers 😂 I'm definitely starting to feel it more as the weeks go on so will be starting to cut back soon but I think as long as you feel good in yourself doing stuff, then it's OK. Just listen to your body, it knows what its doing for the most part 🥰
I think it’s pretty spectacular what the body does and how protected baby is. Obviously if you don’t feel comfortable doing something don’t but I’m pretty much doing everything I normally do I did with my first too. Just a bit more tiring with a LO I guess 😅