I'm really surprised to not see any response on this post from people of white background.. You are right smiling and walking away is the best option..
I am a white US citizen in Michigan and this is not acceptable especially with a child. Come to US, we have Indian neighbors and we love them. My daughter’s preschool teacher is also from India, and we love her!
Re the farm, some people just don’t like children and I think that’s regardless of race. However I am sorry that you have experienced this and feel it’s because of your race. I would agree with smiling and walking away, I’d like to think those people are the minority.
No you’re not overthinking this is a real problem and something I struggle with as a Pakistani Muslim even though I’m British. You’ll come across amazing lovely people too but when I’m out with my children I definitely get treated differently to people who are of a white background. I could deal with it before kids but since being out with them it really bothers me and I wish it wasn’t this way. I’ve seen the way people look at those with a foreign accent and it’s horrendous. I was in A&E once and the doctors had foreign accents and everyone was being incredibly rude and sarcastic about them. Doctors. In A&E. There to help everyone in an emergency situation overworked etc. I could go on forever but my advice would be to smile at the rude racist people and enjoy your time with your son anyway.